Refund Policy

Product Return/ Refund Policy

In case of any dissatisfaction, Users/Distributors can return the service within 7 days of the purchase. The process of return is Online & Offline.

Kindly Click Here to download the Refund Policy.

To apply offline for refund, Click Here to download the offline refund form.

To apply online for the refund, kindly fill the form below and submit.


Fillup the Below for form for refund/buyback/return request and click on submit.


  • The acceptance of the request will be subject to the company’s return polices mentioned in the SIBILLION Account.
  • The Mentioned information must be correct and accurate and the reasons for request must be reasonable & valid.
  • The Form has to be submitted with in 7Days from the date of purchase.
  • Upon receiving the refund request, the company shall verify the authenticity / legitimacy and the nature of the complaint and if the company is convinced that the complaint / claim is genuine, the company will proceed with the refund process.
  • Upon acceptance of request/claim, the refund amount will be refunded within 7days of the receipt of the return request.
